Little Rock - An American Play

Little Rock
An American Play
Written & Directed by
Rajendra Ramoon Maharaj
October 2-26, 2014
Passage Theatre Company

I am not old enough to remember the Civil Rights Movement but I can recall conversations from family members sharing personal experiences.  I can also think back to the times I would hear “nigger” yelled from a passing car as I played in my suburban neighborhood in Ewing.

The play “Little Rock” does a good job to shine more light on the experiences of the young people and families who were part of the original “Arkansan Nine.”

The play is very dramatic as you could imagine and flows very nicely with elements of humor mixed within the seriousness of the subject matter.  The performers playing multiple roles moved in and out of various characters and do what good performers do, take you there!

The packed house at Passage Theatre in the Mill Hill Playhouse of approximately 100 people were a diverse group on the edge of their seats, laughing, gasping and I would guess crying like me during some more dramatic spots.

All in all the performance was a delight and Passage Theatre continues to provide Trentonians far and near a experience usually found in a larger city by a larger theater company.

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